Weight gain from steroids can be a combination of both muscle and fat.
Muscle: Anabolic steroids can increase muscle size and strength by stimulating muscle protein synthesis. They also reduce muscle damage and improve recovery from exercise, allowing for greater training intensity and improved muscle gains.
Fat: steroids can also increase body fat by altering the body’s metabolism and suppressing the effects of insulin. This can result in the accumulation of excess fat, especially in the abdominal area. Steroids can also cause changes in appetite and cravings, leading to an increase in caloric intake and further fat gain.
Water Retention: Additionally, steroids can cause an increase in water retention, which can also contribute to weight gain. This can result in a bloated appearance and can mask the true extent of muscle growth.
It’s important to note that the amount and type of weight gain from steroids will vary depending on several factors, including the type of steroid, the dose, the duration of use, and the individual’s genetics and training history.
- Weight gain from steroids can be a combination of muscle and fat
- Anabolic steroids can increase muscle size and strength
- steroids can increase body fat by altering metabolism and suppressing insulin
- steroids can also cause water retention
- The extent of weight gain will vary depending on various factors.