Whatsapp marketing is a brand new type of way to connect with potential clients. But many marketers believe Whatsapp Business is the only viable tool for digital marketing in 2019.

I’ve discovered a way to use regular Whatsapp marketing using a combination of a bot and some macros to create incredible digital marketing results and sales.

This strategy includes using Whatsapp (regular – not business), a console command, and a simple macro, that helped me make over $65,472 in sales to a small audience of 2,000 people (took literally a few days to create).

This strategy is the most effective marketing strategy I have ever seen to date and I explain both the strategy and exactly why it’s so awesome in the video.

#whatsappforbusiness #whatsappmarketing

► CONTACT: RobbyQLA@gmail.com
Learn how to create wealth in 60 seconds here:

Whatsapp Marketing Software – Bulk Whatsapp Sender

— NOW AVAILABLE FOR MacOs Windows and Linux

Whatsapp Marketing
Bulk Whatsapp Sender

WhatsApp Marketing is simple and easy to use Bulk whatsApp sender which can be used for multiple purpose.


  • Plane Text
  • Emojis
  • Links

Whastapp Marketing does not support media or images


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